Monday, June 21, 2010

just a taste...but enough

for a while
I lived a life that is very different
from the life I live now!

I lived in a bigger house,
got to clean and dust nicer furniture:)
went on a few interesting trips..
spent time is ritzy stores,
carried a fancy purse
and wore designer clothes..

.........for a while!

I ran from that
and all it involved!

The other day
I looked around my TINY bathroom,
clothes hanging on the door;
(we have a closet shortage! LOL)
a cluttered counter
as there are 4 of us
using the space..
and I thought;
"How did I get here from there?"
AND then LIKE a blinding flash
it hit my heart;
"How did I get THERE from here?"

Because this is who I am!
A mother,
who would rather hang out with people
then dust the chandeliers!
A woman
who prefers hippy dresses
to expensive pants!
A person
who is content
in the clutter and chaos
of her small home
and her simple existence!

To be there?
meant compromising
the heart
that is happier


  1. WOW you really brought it all around my friend, and I think you are doing so well. Don't give up though, you can have both..... I have learned that one can be happy wherever one is.......:-) Hugs

  2. 'Tis good to be happy where you are at! Less angst!!
    Congrats to the simple life!

  3. Been there as well....but, they way I feel right now is price less. I am happy with what I have right now! ((((HUGHS))))Good x you!!

  4. Debbie, I'm so proud of you! You have made such an awesome point! This existence suits you. You don't need all that STUFF. Sure, it's nice to have nice things and be able to go on vacations every now and then, but what is important is in that house with you, your family! God has blessed you GREATLY! Let's always remember to count our blessings...every one....even the ones we tend to forget and take for granted.

  5. I was reading this going "boy I know how you feel" and "I could have written this" and then at the end I was like "I'm so glad SHE wrote this, cause I would have never looked at it that way without her showing me it."

    thanks :)

  6. I can relate to this post on some ways. Yes its ironic how things can change but ya know.....its ALL materialistic and I just keep moving foward with the directing of GOD! Be continually Blessed with ya Beautiful family! *smile*

  7. What a great shift in perspective. Wonderful. I like that you're a people person, not a chandelier person :-)

  8. I like my smaller, simpler life now better too. It is just a little more comfy!

  9. I loved reading this post. So true.
