Wednesday, February 16, 2011

sick and single...stressed and single....still single...

I have been sick
for several days...
pitiful sick!
In addition;
being sick
means that I am getting
behind on the 2 college
classes I am taking,
The house work
is building..
and the laundry is
piling up!
My kids certainly help,
but they have homework
and activities
and other things they
need to do also.

Life happens...
and when you are sick
life does not wait,
but sometimes
it has to stand in line.

So I wonder,
do I miss a partner?
Would it be nice to have someone
I could call
and say,
"could you bring home dinner"..
"could you help with the dishes"..
"could you take the kids where
they need to go?"
and of course,
that would be nice.
on the flip side..
would I be able to lay on
the couch guilt free?
Could I cover my feet with
vicks without worrying
about another's nasal passages?
could I throw on my oldest dress,
and wear holey socks?
I guess I could!
And I guess in a good relationship
that's what acceptance is..
in my world
the answer to the above,
is no!
I would worry...
I would be concerned for another..
as I should!

So, now
I worry about me..
I rest
and I feel miserable
and I feel thankful
for family and friends...
and I know
that one day
I may be sick and taken care of
and one day I may take care of another..
but today?
its all good!


  1. Feel better soon!!! You still need someone to take care of you! Unfortunately, single mama's don't get sick days. :(

  2. Sorry you are not feeling well. I must admit it is nice having someone stop on the way home and pick up dinner!! But somedays I have to be the one doing that as well. Ha!!
    Hugging you

  3. I'm feeling sick too! In fact I'm home today. But I have the sons who are taking care of me since hubby is at work. Thanks goodness for sons who can run this house for me!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. It is tough getting sick being a single Mama, as the kids just don't get that you are having a down day. They are pretty good with the occasional day of sloth and blasé dinners when I am not in my game, but it is still a long way coming.
