Friday, May 6, 2011

all wrapped up in 7 days...

What a week...
I faced a slice of my past..
in a way
that while not fun,
left me sure
that the present
is better
because of letting go
of what was..
or was not!

I finished my second semester
back at college,
and earned my second A and first B..
grades good enough,
to get me off of an
'academic probation'
that was was in place
from 20 years ago!
I start my summer session
'in good standing'
next week..

I am away with my kids..
on a mini trip
that has been many months
in the making..
a hotel for a few nights
and Disney tomorrow,
to celebrate
my sons 14th birthday!
Life happens fast-
and I love the times
that I can slow it down
long enough
to watch it happen...
that is what this weekend
is all about!

Lots of good..
one week...
a lifetime of learning!


  1. Yeah for the grades!! That is super!!
    And have a ball at Disney!!

  2. Congratulations on finishing up your second semester back at school, and for doing so in good standing! The Disney mini-trip sounds like it'll be a nice respite after the hectic week.
