Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Not so easy...

So I have not blogged in a few weeks..
and boy what a few weeks it has been!

A first date..
that would have led to a second-
then a surprise encounter
that led to a 'fairy tale' exchange..
and then

Seems fairy tale is not all
its cracked up to be...
when its starts in a whirlwind..
you tend to land with a BUMP!

here we go again!
2 years no dating..
and now;
1 year in to the dating game
and I am feeling weathered and bruised!

I have resolved to never date again..
we shall see! :-)

As I faced the frustration
and disappointment...
and I understood that I did not really
fall for a person..
but for the hope
and possibility....
When I landed with a thump..
I than took a breath!

I can now reflect!
I can learn!
I can grow!

But, in the process
I shall also
quite possibly just give up!
Because really...
there is NOTHING easy
about risking anything..
when you know what it feels
to loose it all!

Back to my cave I go!:)


  1. Don't forget to breathe along the way Debbie

  2. Oh, I am right there with you... getting over the disappointment of the loss of hope and possibility! I've been struggling for the last few days because I'm more upset than I thought I'd be and I couldn't figure out why... but that's exactly it... while the rational part of me protected my heart and went slow, the dreaming little girl in the corner of my heart was still hoping she found her Knight in Shining Armor! I so needed to read this today!

  3. "As I faced the frustration
    and disappointment...
    and I understood that I did not really
    fall for a person..
    but for the hope
    and possibility..."
