Monday, March 14, 2011

what a week..just a week...

Life has been nuts.

some bizarre...
a need to leave my home
for a small space of time.
and lots of activity;
including police and firefighters..
(but all was well!)

some busy....
a realization
that my school spring break
was not actually
as much time
off as expected..
and all work
was still due..

some productive....
kids rooms LOOK great!
house is in order,
spring cleaning done...
now just gardening
to do..

some eye opening...
a realization
that sometimes
we move on
even when there
is nothing
to move on to..
the healthier we are
the less
reason we need
to leave behind..
that does not make
us feel valued
or of worth...

and some just plain fun...
time with friends...
time with family...
and great talks
with my kids.

It was just a week....
but, what a week.


  1. Ah spring break, mine is still four weeks away...

  2. Wow! What a week you have had for sure!
    Glad you had some fun!
