Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers day..sweetly bittersweet!

As Mothers days go..
mine was pretty amazing!
My children took it upon themselves
to show me love...
and appreciation!
They did not have anyone
who took them to shop,
or helped them plan..
so they did it themselves.
Homemade cards,
a speech written by my middle daughter,
a muffin with a stick in place of a candle.
A rousing rendition of
'she's a jolly good fellow'
and a sweet and loving text message sent
from their bedroom
to me in the living room!
Everything a mothers day should be...
That was very sweet!

The bittersweet came as I sat in church..
and realized the singleness of being 'just me'
the snapshots of mothers days past played in my mind..
My first mothers day...
my son just 2 days old!
His dad bringing me cute cards
from my new born...
Mothers days when they were small
when what I desired most was a break..
and what I appreciatted most was
being taken care of..for a day..
I remembered the very bittersweet memory..
a mothers day
the year my marraige ended...
the card from the flowers I was sent..
and the 'love ya' signed at the bottom....
where past cards said
"I love you..forever"..
that mothers day card
that was actually a dead give away..
but it only made sense later..
a card that hung on my fridge for a year
as I searched for clues...

The memories
of the past..
The sweetness
of the present...
and The hope
in the future...
all wrapped up in 24 hours...


  1. are coming so far..each first alone will bring these memories but closer to the time when they are just sweet and distant and simply part of the building blocks that make you


  2. I'm hoping this past mother's day becomes a good and happy memory for you. Because you've got some really sweet kids and you deserve a great day.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Sounds like you had a most wondrous Mother's day!

  4. Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day. Remember, just b/c it's different, definitely doesn't mean it's bad!
