It has taken me being without a man in my life,
to understand how pure and special
the love between friends is.
The woman in my life now
are there for me..
and love me.
it is quiet and it is strong.
and I have come to know
that these connections are a part of me..
a part that makes me stronger!
But, I have not always known that!
When I was married
my deep desire was for a strong connection
with the man I loved.
I believed if he loved me and was my 'friend'
that was all I needed.
Of course, this was not the role
he wanted in my life..
but I kept seeking it!
and I turned away,
or kept at arms length
my friends.
I loved them and needed them.
I loved to be with them.
but, it was in its own space,
I did not understand the deep need
that friendships,
deep friendship
can fill.
It has taken me
really understanding
the friendships
I have..
to yearn and long for
the friendships I have lost!
I wish I knew then
what I know now..
But, those 'wishes'
only make me appreciate
the moments I have now...
the friendships I have now..
and the memories that were.
One of the many lessons
In this journey..
Has been learning
How to be a friend!
and how to accept
And let down the walls
With the friends I have!
A lesson that now learned,
I plan on never having to learn