Friday, July 2, 2010

defintitions sure have changed!


My kids are away for a week!
Its my time to PLAY!:)

And what does that look like
for this single, working mom
of three?

Well, so far;

I have had coffee with a girlfriend!
I have had Thai with another girlfriend!
Tonight I have plans for dinner with a visiting girlfriend!
and tomorrow breakfast with yet another girlfriend!
See a trend!!:)

I have gardened alot!
I am growing
(green beans, blackberries,tomatoes, mint, lavender
and one lone pumpkin!)
Today I shall see a movie by myself
and visit the bookstore..
I have watched a few rented movies
and cleaned the house...
I have listened to music
and gone running!

And this makes the PERFECT week for me!

Its amazing to me
that the more settled I become
the more comfortable I become
with and without others!
And 'with' others is a part of that!
For a while part of my healing
was withdrawing!
As I become more whole
I can now share more of myself
with friends,
and still be completely content
when I am alone!

Its only taken almost 4 years
and ONE major MAJOR bump in the road!

But, it happens!
Life settles!
Loneliness visits sometimes
but, learns it place!
Contentment settles in
and takes residence!
and Happiness becomes a frequent
and welcomed visitor!

Life moves on!


  1. awesome awesome awesome! =)

    hope you enjoy the time you have for yourself!

    following back!

  2. I am so glad you are enjoying the time you have by yourself! Many times we forget to take time for ourselves and we forget how to do things by ourself. Sounds like you're doing great!

  3. I like my "alone time" too...and my time with girl friends. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m your new follower!

  4. So true. I would give anything for a week like that! :)

  5. I am only dreaming about alone time!! haha :)

    New follwer from Friday Follow!

    Happy a great weekend.

  6. What I wouldn't give for 1 week to myself!!

    Happy Friday Follow!! Have a wonderful weekend!! =)

  7. Ah, good for you! My fellas leave tomorrow for almost two weeks and although I will miss them, I am SO looking forward to some extended time on my own. Playing sounds great. In fact, as soon as I read this, I emailed a girlfriend about getting together!

  8. If the trend is that you're out with girl friends and not with a man, keep in mind that you can make yourself easy to approach when you're out. I love meeting a pair of girl friends who are out enjoying themselves - as long as they flirt and chat with me when i approach them, and one of them doesn't box me out, it's a great way to meet.

    Have fun!

  9. Hi! I'm your newest follower from FF - love your blog! Hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  10. Congrats!! Sounds like you are having an awesome week!! Good for you!

  11. Thank you for coming by my blog! I'm following you now and really looking forward to getting to know you!

  12. Hi!

    I am following back from the Friday Blog Hop! I love your blog, and can't wait to read more!

  13. Following you on Friday Follow. Hope you'll follow me back! I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your photos. Very nicely done!
