Saturday, July 4, 2009

what the fourth means to me...

I love the 4th of July..
I don't love fireworks that much...
BUT I love the ideal behind the celebration!
I was not born in America!
In fact I was born in a country that was anything BUT free...
I was born in central Africa..
my childhood holds memories of guns,
glass on outside walls..
burglar bars...
and segregation!
It also holds memories
of Kariba Dam
and wild life reserves..
the shores of cape town
and table top mountain!
A beautiful continent...
A wonderful childhood...
but It was not FREE!
Then when I was 12 years old..
My mom and dad left everything behind
to come to AMERICA!!
We landed in New York...
and forever my life was changed!
They gave me the gift of freedom!
The gift of citizenship
in a country that allows you to be who you are..
and love who you choose..
and live where you want!
A country in which my American children
can grow up one day
and become leaders of this nation...
a country that is free!
And this July 4th
Freedom rings even more true to me..
and This land that I love
is even more sweet..
and the parents that risked all to give me a future
hold my heart and appreciation more then ever before!
Happy 4th of July!!

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