Monday, December 27, 2010

That time again.....

it will be a new year!
and while I have not
decided what my
goals shall be..
I have been thinking
about it!!

I am not sure the specifics..
But, in general
more of finding me..
more of being a mom..
more of living life..
more of striving towards my goals...
more of being a better teacher..
more of being a more selfless daughter, sister and friend...

and in the process...
going on some dates, maybe!
taking up a new hobby...
or dusting off an old one.
Taking better care of my health
and body!

In a nutshell
more of the same
some new
some different!
Goals I cannot loose,
because they are who I am
that help me find
my core
while being more present with

that are about more!
AND less...
less worry about stuff..
less worry about the past!
less worry about the future!
and MORE living in the present!


  1. Merry Christmas Debbie. I too have had thoughts of the New Year sneaking into my thoughts. I usually do not make resolutions, but there are some things that I think that I might need to/want to work on. I think it is time and I am ready to face some of the things that I stuff deep down inside me. Baby steps though, right? I wish you well over the holidays.

  2. Sounds like what I have planned for the new year. Finding a better me.
    Good luck to both of us!

  3. Sounds like a good plan to me! I like the dating part. That should make for some fun reading. :)
