Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentines day that sooo bad??

Yep! Single, alone, solo on Valentines day!! In the words of Steve Urkel (really aging myself here.) "is that SOOOO wrong?" and the answer, in my words now not Urkels, is no!
Its really not so bad!
This year, for the first time in years I have been able to look at the holiday without expectations or hopes! I am not hoping for a kodak moment or for him to 'go to Jareds'. Instead, I am looking at my children with an understanding that I may not have a valentine in the Hallmark card sense of the word; but I am not in any way alone! I am loved and love more then I could have dreamed possible.
When I wake up on valentines day , it will be to a surprise purchased, 'supposedly' without my knowledge, at a garage sale . Bought with saved up pennies and wrapped in a dolls blanket! and do you know, I can't wait! I have never anticipated a valentines day more....
God is so good!!
To all my friends, Happy valentines day! You are loved!


  1. Hi back! I love your 'about me' statement... in a recent post I said that my job as 'mom' will be the most important one I'll ever have, but I don't want to identified solely by that title... and I'm on that same journey... the stronger, healthier, independent one! :) Thanks for stopping by this evening... look forward to seeing you again :).

  2. You are well loved by many my friend! But especially by Big Daddy!
    I am every looking forward to our next conversations...if you EVER let me get a word in edgewise!!!
