Saturday, December 26, 2009

its complicated..really!

saw a great movie tonight..
it was really funny!
and I think it would have been funny
even if I could not relate..
but I could..
and that made it all the funnier!
the premise is too ex spouses having an affair,
while I cannot relate to that part,
the movie portrayed so well,
the history shared
and the complicated emotions surrounding
the relationship with someone you spent so much of your lifetime with...

My ex and I can chat about life like old friends...
its complicated!
My ex and I can seethe with anger towards each other over something
in the present
that reminds us of the past...
its complicated!
My ex and I exchange Christmas gifts every year
not from the kids
from each other,
not intimate at all
but personal.
for me chocolate or coffee, for him pictures of the kids...
its complicated!
My ex and I know each other better then we want to,
and often more then we would like too...
its complicated!
My ex and I know we would not want to be together,
but know we do not want the other to come to harm or hurt..
its complicated!
My ex and I have three children that we love, sometimes agree on, sometimes don't..
its complicated!

The emotions are complicated!
the feelings are complicated!
But, the reality is simple!
You can like each other even when you sometimes don't!
You can be friends in the midst of less then ideal circumstances!
You can move on and yet still share your children!
You can be bigger then the past!
You can find a new 'you' and 'him' and become better for it!
It will take time..
it will happen...
and its all worth it!

And this movie will make you laugh, cry and think!
and thats a hit with me!:)


  1. We are just stepping out the door to see a movie. This is one on our list.. not sure what we will see but I think I could relate to this one in much the same way as you

  2. So in summary.....complicated! :)

  3. ha ha Steve..gotto love the 'summary'!! few words are not my strength!:)

  4. I can relate so well to this. My ex and I are still really attached yet can't be together. And it is complicated.
