Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's a New day...

So many new things about to happen...
I start a new job in just a few shorts days..
my kids start a new school in a few short weeks...

Both bring some nerves!
This job is a new location and out of my 'town'.
Treading new waters for sure!!

The kids have the blessing to go
to a private christian school..
but, it means leaving the friends they knew!
They are feeling the jitters
and having second thoughts..!

But, I feel
that both these new things
will be GOOD new things!!
The kids and I will end our days
together by 3 pm!
That's so HUGE!!!!
I will be going back to school!
They will be in a school
that allows them to learn about their faith!

I will be meeting new people..
and so will they!
and I am just as nervous
as them!!:)

First staff meeting tonight,
already I wonder;
will I fit in?
will I meet anyone I connect with?
will they get me?
you know- the single , quirky, vegetarian
mom of 3.
so, I feel my children's fears..
and I walk in their shoes!

BUT, I believe we will all be happier
for this new path!!
and I am excited to see what comes!!!


  1. Congrads and good luck with the new job! You'll wow them all ;o)

  2. I will be excited with you! It's great that the kids can go to private Christian school! We had so many kids that there was no way we could afford it. I ended up taking them out and homeschooling them. My last year of homeschool was last year. My 12 yr. old goes back to public school this fall after begging to. He'll be on a short leash!

    Do the kids get to wear uniforms or do you have to do the whole school shopping thing?

    New paths are scary, but just take the hand of the One that is leading you.

  3. we are SOOO blessed! The state we live in gives scholarships for private schools! My children are going and it won't cost me anything!!!!! They do have to wear uniforms and they did at the public school they went to! SO much easier then back to school name brands!! SO I am thrilled on all counts! GOD has been so good!!!

  4. You and your children will do just fine Debbie. It will be a new challenge and can be met with excitement, love and support.....:-) Hugs
